Today’s Stories
—Joe Rogan/Revolver: “Rogan’s Take on the Current Deep State Panic Is Pretty Darn Interesting”
—Chris Bray: “Queen of lol — WUT — Goddess-of-Nomenklatura?”
—Francis P. Sempa/Spectator: “Trump is Displacing the Old Ruling Class”
—Kevin Finn/Thinker: “Democrats Prepare for the Big House”
—Brianna Lyman/Federalist: “CBS News: Free Speech Caused the Holocaust.”
—William M. Briggs: “Feminism is a Disease of the Rich.”
Probably not proof of the writer’s point, but it seems to fit somehow.
—Matt Margolis/PJ Media: “I Can’t Believe This New York Times Headline Is Real.”
—Clarice Feldman/Thinker: “Week Four: No Rest for the Grifters”
—Yuri Bezmenov: “Trump Derangement Syndrome: The Correspondents Dinner?”
—John Carter/Barsoom Substack: “Maple Maidan?”